Monday, February 21, 2011

> Gutters Horizontal

a. Talang So
Horizontal gutter, gutter which is mounted horizontally
around the roof of the house. Horizontal gutters have a ready-made and
materials can be purchased in stores or can also be made and so-called
as gutters zinc (now rarely used anymore). Talang zinc,
age is not long, because the gutters are susceptible to rust and zinc in
the near future will leak.

b. Concrete Gutters
Creating a strong horizontal gutters can be done with
using concrete cast on the circumference of the roof. Talang like this easy
cleaned and wide enough to use way for people who
perform maintenance / repair gutters. Gutters from cast concrete, made
to make the mold first. Although the time required
longer but wider chamfer can be tailored to the needs.