Monday, February 21, 2011

> RAB Components and RKS

Component in the calculation of the cost of the building consists of:
1. Create job descriptions and material specifications and requirements,
2. Calculation of the volume of work,
3. Make a list of the volume of work, unit prices of materials, and wage workers,
4. Make a list of the work unit of analysis,
5. Make a list of unit price analysis, and
6. Make a list of budget plan analysis and recapitulation.

To clarify each component, then given
sample calculation residential development in accordance with the plan
and drawing in section D of construction drawings presented
in chapter 1. Calculation of the volume that is presented is
pure calculation, has not been added due to shrinkage as well as material
wasted. Material unit price and unit price of wage workers
used is merely an example, these prices every time
will vary according to the price situation in the market or area where
homes will be built.

Job creation residential
is assumed to be done alone, if the implementation of development
handed over to another party (contractor) is usually added services
contractors ranged 5-10% of the total overall cost, or depending
agreement between owners and contractors.