Sunday, February 13, 2011

> Scope Graphic technology

Graphic is a technique or way of delivering messages,
ideas, information, thoughts, impressions, feelings through multiplication
by way of printed and presented to the audience. Graphic is
technology that allows the characters minds of hundreds and even
thousands of years ago down to us in the form of printouts. Because services
graphics as well, then all the affairs of modern man made easier or
already is a mechanism that can not be abandoned
from before birth to the grave.

Even a few years
after human in the grave still need it, especially those
regarding the contract land burial. Starting from the pack of matches
fire, diplomas, report cards, newspapers, magazines, textbooks, newspapers,
magazine, a certificate, a certificate, marriage licenses, stamps, brochures,
folders, banners, company profiles, forms, tickets, stamps, banknotes,
invoices, receipts, vehicle registration, tax letters, identity cards, passports, documents, trade,
regulations, packaging (paper, cardboard, cans, plastics, etc.) to the posters
and printed form with great size, marketable securities
used in banks, and very many types, shapes, number of
printed matter in masyarakat.semua is the work of human
can only be realized through graphics technology.

Industrial graphics / printing press in Indonesia is still
has not been able to equalize itself with the industry quality standard graphics
internationally, especially Asia and Australia. Consequently, the graphic arts industry
Indonesia has not been able to play a role in responding to market challenges
global. In other words not "Go International" One
cause it still has not met the human resources
(HR) is competent.

Changes in technology, particularly in precast very graphic
revolutionary. Changes in software and hardware is almost in
a matter of months. Technology desk top publishing (DTP) which has recently
develops, extends to computer to film, computer to plate, computer to
press, and print on demand. In line with these developments,
conventional printing technology began to shift towards digital print.

Technological developments and chart the ever-changing market
quickly make the perpetrators of these industries should be tertuntut
customize it. The time factor are the main attraction for
graphic arts industry, in addition to the cheap fare. Cost of production
can be suppressed by use of the latest tech tools. Progress
information technology is very big influence on the development of
printing technology, so that wherever we are always
looked at and use printed material.

General description of functions and types of printed material such
many and varied demands complete graphic arts industry equipment
of adequate quality and quantity, and readiness resources
human capital as a determinant of the success of production.