Wednesday, March 9, 2011

> Scope of Works and Buildings Project

The building is a physical manifestation of a construction work, and therefore
The next building project is also called the construction project.

In general, construction projects are divided into 3 types, namely:
  • Housing construction projects / residential (Residential Construction)
    is a residential housing development project
    based on stages of development simultaneously with
    provision of supporting infrastructure. This project type is needed
    careful planning for the existing infrastructure in
    neighborhoods such as roads, clean water, electricity
    and other facilities.
  • Building construction (building construction), is
    type of construction projects that are mostly done. This type of construction
    emphasis on practical considerations of construction and technology, and
    consideration in local building regulations. (Figure 1.2)
  • Civil Engineering Construction Projects (heavy engineering construction),
    is a process of adding
    infrastructure in an environment
    wake up (built environment). Owner
    project (owner) is usually government
    either at national or regional level.
In this project design elements, financial
and legal considerations remain
important consideration, although the project
This is a non-profit, and prioritizing
community service (public
services). Several construction projects
which includes the type of project
including power projects,
highway (Figure 1.3), railways,
dams, mining, and others.
  • Building Construction Industry (industrial construction), is
    a relatively small part of the construction industry, but a
    an important component. Project owner (owner) is usually a
    a large company or industry, such as oil companies,
    pharmaceutical, chemical and other industries. The process undertaken in this industry
    require special expertise in the field of planning, design and construction.

In Indonesia, the type of construction work mentioned in the laws
construction services (Act no 18 of 1999), includes:

  • Architectural work which includes among other forms of processing
    and mass of buildings based on the functions and requirements
    required every construction job.
  • Civil works include construction of the port,
    airports, railways, coastal security, irrigation canals or
    canals, dams, tunnels, structural buildings, roads, bridges,
    swamp reclamation, pipeline installation job, the job
    drilling, and land clearing.  
  • Work is mechanical and electrical installation work of industrial engineering products.
- Mechanical Work includes installation of turbines,
establishment and installation of plant, equipment installation
buildings, water piping installation work,. oil and gas.
- Works include the construction of electrical networks
transmission and electricity distribution, electrical installation,
telecommunications along with the accessories.
  • The work of environmental governance include: job processing
    and final settlement building and the environment.