Friday, March 25, 2011

> Using the Image Engine

By :Taufiqullah Neutron (Masteropik)

Type of machine images: - Machine picture with a pendulum system, if the movement rule images with the help of ballast (pendulum) with the aim that ruler image if not in use is still in a state of tense which means that still remain in place initially because tension assisted...
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> Adhesive tape

By :Taufiqullah Neutron (Masteropik)

Adhesive tape also called cellulose tape, usually used for drawing paper attached to the drawing board. Adhesive tapes are there different kinds, namely: - Thick adhesive tape - Thin adhesive tape - Double adhesive tape (alternating) - Colored adhesive tape - Transparent...
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> Using Various Ruler

By :Taufiqullah Neutron (Masteropik)

Triangle Triangle is used to draw a line straight, oblique or parallel. Materials used mostly transparent mica because light. Usually used in a pair of triangles are triangles with angle 45o - 45o and a triangle, with angle 60o - 30o. How to use: Before a triangle...
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> Drawing straight lines Straight

By :Taufiqullah Neutron (Masteropik)

Perpendicular By triangle 1. Put the sloping sides of a triangle such that 45o-45o coincides with the line 1 which is known and the bottom detained by the other triangle. 2. Rotate triangle of 45o-45o 90o (see arrows B) then the hypotenuse will be perpendicular to...
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> Drawing Parallel Lines & Curves

By :Taufiqullah Neutron (Masteropik)

Drawing Parallel Lines To membuata parallel lines, the first one used triangular guidelines should not be moved. Put the following triangle The second line in accordance with the desired direction and pull the line. Next slide the second triangle in accordance with the distance...
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> Dividing Lines

By :Taufiqullah Neutron (Masteropik)

Line AB is divided into two parts equal in length. a. Create two circular arcs with A and B as center, the radius R arbitrary. Both bow to each other intersect in a and b b. Pull the line ab which cuts AB at C c. Then AC = CB Divide the line AB into parts of the...
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Friday, March 18, 2011

> Forex Trading Advantages

By :Taufiqullah Neutron (Masteropik)

Forex can be a very lucrative source of income but is complicated. When you invest in the Forex market, you know that you are in business trip extraordinary powerful in your life. In addition, there are so many advantages to Forex market more than others, that there are no words...
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> Forex Basic

By :Taufiqullah Neutron (Masteropik)

The purpose of Forex Trading Simply and basically, our goal is to achieve a profit trading or profits. So this is what will be one main goal and our learning process. However, usually without realizing it you will get and turned into a figure who is more desiplin, patient, calculating,...
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Thursday, March 17, 2011

> Forex Trading System

By :Taufiqullah Neutron (Masteropik)

FOREX TRADING PURPOSESThe purpose of the investor in Forex trading is the profit from foreign currency movements. Forex trading or currency trading is always done in currency pairs. For example today, the exchange rate of EUR / USD is 1.0857. This number is also referred to as the...
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> Demo Account

By :Taufiqullah Neutron (Masteropik)

Learning & start trading with a Demo AccountIf you've started to understand overview of the forex, then learn the next stage is to start with a demo account. Because someone who has finished learning about forex, he must practice his knowledge in a virtual forex market. He had...
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> Adhesive tape

By :Taufiqullah Neutron (Masteropik)

Adhesive tape also called cellulose tape, usually used for drawing paper attached to the drawing board. Adhesive tapes are there different kinds, namely: - Thick adhesive tape - Thin adhesive tape - Double adhesive tape (alternating) - Colored adhesive tape - Transparent...
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> Using Various Ruler

By :Taufiqullah Neutron (Masteropik)

Triangle Triangle is used to draw a line straight, oblique or parallel. Materials used mostly transparent mica because light. Usually used in a pair of triangles are triangles with angle 45o - 45o and a triangle, with angle 60o - 30o. How to use: Before a triangle or a...
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> Drawing straight lines Straight

By :Taufiqullah Neutron (Masteropik)

Perpendicular By triangle 1. Put the sloping sides of a triangle such that 45o-45o coincides with the line 1 which is known and the bottom detained by the other triangle. 2. Rotate triangle of 45o-45o 90o (see arrows B) then the hypotenuse will be perpendicular to line l....
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> Drawing Parallel Lines & Curves

By :Taufiqullah Neutron (Masteropik)

Drawing Parallel Lines To membuata parallel lines, the first one used triangular guidelines should not be moved. Put the following triangle The second line in accordance with the desired direction and pull the line. Next slide the second triangle in accordance with the distance...
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> Dividing Lines

By :Taufiqullah Neutron (Masteropik)

Line AB is divided into two parts equal in length. a. Create two circular arcs with A and B as center, the radius R arbitrary. Both bow to each other intersect in a and b b. Pull the line ab which cuts AB at C c. Then AC = CB Divide the line AB into parts of the same...
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> Introduction Forex

By :Taufiqullah Neutron (Masteropik)

KNOW FOREX CLOSERForex trading is the trading of currencies from different countries with each other. Forex is an abbreviation of Foreign Exchange. For example, currency in circulation in Europe called Euro (EUR) and in the United States, the currency in circulation is called the...
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> Differences Forex And Stock Trading

By :Taufiqullah Neutron (Masteropik)

Equation So also in stock, in forex trading, the main goal is to gain profit from the difference between the price movement. But there are several things which distinguish the two. Many people assume that forex is more 'sexy'. Let's see the comparison. Comparison Capitalization...
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> Indonesian National Standard (SNI) for Buildings

By :Taufiqullah Neutron (Masteropik)

Indonesian National Standard (abbreviated INS) is the only nationally accepted standards in Indonesia. SNI formulated by Technical Committee and determined by the BSN. Test Distribution by sector International Classification for Standards (ICS), which is divided into 9 sectors...
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> Implementing K3 Activities in the Field

By :Taufiqullah Neutron (Masteropik)

Implementation of K3 in the field include: K3 activity in the field of safety implementation plan, through kerjansama with relevant agencies of K3, namely the Department of Labour, the police and rumahnsakit. K3 implementation supervision activities, including: - Safety...
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> Preparation of Safety Plan

By :Taufiqullah Neutron (Masteropik)

Safety plan is a plan K3 for project implementation which aims for in the implementation project will be safe from accidents and hazards disease resulting labor productivity high. Safety plan contains: Opening that contains: Overview of the project and principal attention...
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> Training Courses K3

By :Taufiqullah Neutron (Masteropik)

The training program consists of the K3 2 parts, namely: Training in general, with training materials regarding the K3 guide the project, for example: - Practical implementation of occupational safety and health on building projects - Handling, storage and maintenance materials...
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> Supplies and Equipment K3

By :Taufiqullah Neutron (Masteropik)

Supplies and equipment supporting programs K3, include: Promotion programs K3, which consists of: - Installation of flag K3, RI flag, flag company. - Installation of sign-board K3 which contains among other slogans that remind the need to work safely Facility equipment...
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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

> Perlengkapan dan Peralatan K3

By :Taufiqullah Neutron (Masteropik)

Perlengkapan dan peralatanpenunjang program K3,meliputi:Promosi program K3; yang terdiri dari:− pemasangan bendera K3,bendera RI, bendera perusahaan.− Pemasangan sign-boardK3 yang berisi antara lainslogan-slogan yang mengingatkanperlunya be-kerjadengan selamatSarana peralatan yang...
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> Pelatihan Program K3

By :Taufiqullah Neutron (Masteropik)

Pelatihan program K3 yang terdiri atas 2 bagian, yaitu:Pelatihan secara umum, dengan materi pelatihan tentang panduan K3 di proyek, misalnya:− Pedoman praktis pelaksanaan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerjapada proyek bangunan gedung− Penanganan, penyimpanan dan pemeliharaan material−...
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> Pelaksanakan Kegiatan K3 di Lapangan

By :Taufiqullah Neutron (Masteropik)

Pelaksanaan kegiatan K3 di lapangan meliputi:Kegiatan K3 di lapangan berupa pelaksanaan safety plan, melalui kerjansama dengan instansi yang terkait K3, yaitu depnaker, polisi dan rumahnsakit.Pengawasan pelaksanaan K3, meliputi kegiatan:− Safety patrol, yaitu suatu tim K3 yang terdiri...
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> Penyusunan Safety Plan

By :Taufiqullah Neutron (Masteropik)

Safety plan adalah rencanapelaksanaan K3 untuk proyekyang bertujuan agar dalam pelaksanaannantinya proyek akanaman dari kecelakaan dan bahayapenyakit sehingga menghasilkanproduktivitas kerja yangtinggi. Safety plan berisi:Pembukaan yang berisi: Gambaran proyek dan Pokok perhatian...
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